Noun declension drill
Verb conjugation drill
Cap I: Subject Nominative
Cap II: Agreement of Adjectives and Verbs
Cap III: Relative Pronouns and Posessive Pronouns
Cap IV: The Accusative
Cap V: The Accusative contd.
Cap VI: The Dative
Cap VII: The Dative contd.
The Belgae Conspire Against Caesar!
Cap VIII: The Genitive
Cap IX: The Genitive contd.
The Remi Alone Offer Aid to Caesar
Cap X: The Ablative
Cap XI: The Ablative contd.
The Two Armies Take Positions
North and Hillard
Sequence of tenses and final sentences
Ex 2
Ex 3
Ex 4
Ex 5
Consecutive sentences
Ex 6
Ex 7
Ex 8
Ex 9
Final and Consecutive Sentences
Ex 10
Ex 11
Ex 12
Ex 13
Ex 14
Ex 15