Sententce to translate


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Grammar Tips

Consecutive sentences (i.e., sentences expressing a consequence) have their verbs in the subjunctive introduced by ut. When the consequence is negative, we have ut non, ut nemo, ut nullus, ut numquam, etc., according to the sense. The sequence of tenses is the same as for final clauses, with one exception; viz. the perfect subjunctive is often used after a historic tense. But only use it thus when (a) the result is 'momentary' and not continuous, and (b) the result actually did follow.

Tantum est periculum ut omnes terreantur
So great is the danger that all are frightened
Tam celeriter se receperunt ut hostes eos capere non possent
They retreated so quickly that the enemy could not catch them

So numerous, 'tot', 'no one'. Nullus is an adjective 'no', 'none'


brave, strong: fortis, -is
climb: ascendo, -ere, -scendi, -scensum
courage: fortitudo, -inis, f.
enough: satis
fall: cado, cadere, cecidi, cāsum
lay: iaceo (jaceo), -ere, -cui, -citum
of such a kind: tales
on the ground: humi
snow: nix, f., indec.
so numerous: tot
so great: tantus, -a, -um
so many: tot
so often: toties
tired: defessus, -i
to such an extent: adeo
tree: arbor, -is, f.