The Belgae Conspire Against Caesar!

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each other: inter sē
hither: citerior -or -us
further: ulterior -or -us
frequent (thick, pressed close together): crēber, -bra, -brum
abode: domicilium, -ī, n.
army: exercitus, -ūs, m.
assistance: auxilium, -ī, n.
at once: statim
cavalry: equitātus, -ūs, m.
do: faciō, -ere, fēcī, factus
javelin: pilum, -ī, n.
leave: relinquō, -ere, -līquī, -līctus
protection: praesidium, -ī, n.

The chief verbs that take dative or purpose or tendency are: relinquō, dēligõ, dīcō, mittō, veniō

after a little: paulō post
about fifteen days: quindecim fere diebus (abl.) enroll: conscrībo, -ere, conscrīpsi, conscriptum
drive out: expello, -ere, -puli, -pulsum
set, appoint: cōnstituō, -ere, -uī, -ūtus
suitable: idōneus, -a, -um
undertake: suscipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptus
use: ūsus, -ūs, m.
wait: expectō, 1
where: ubi
Note the special neuter impersonal use of the second periphrastic conjugation in connection with the dative of purpose
E.g.: We must not wait = nobis non expectandum est