The enemy retreated to avoid battle


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Grammar Tips

Tenses in Latin are divided into two groups. Primary tenses:

Indicative Subjunctive
Present Present
Future Perfect
Future Perfect

And Historic tenses:

Indicative Subjunctive
Imperfect Imperfect
Perfect Pluperfect
When we have a dependent clause with its verb in the subjunctive, the tense of the subjunctive is determined by the tense of the principal verb. Primary tenses follow primary, and historic tenses follow historic. The imperative is always followed by a primary tense.


accuse: accūso, āvi, ātum
advance: prōcēdo, cessi, cessum
avoid: vīto, -āre, -āvi, -ātum
bravely: fortiter
coward: ignāvus -a, -um
fight: pugno, -āre, -āvi, -ātum
hinder: impedio, īvi or ii, ītum
learn: cognosco , -ere, -gnōvi, -gnitum
retreat: se recipio, cēpi, ceptum
top of the hill: summus collis
two hundred: ducento